29 July 2008

When did being agnostic become a mistake?

"We won't make the same mistake twice."
This is what my mother stated to my brother, the unnerving thing is that she was looking right at me. So yes I decided that I am not a Catholic is that such a hard thing to wrap your brain around. I live my own life and I see things, some good and some bad, and it is all to much a sugar coated shit whole for there to be this thing called eternal life.
In reality if there was a savior and he or she came this moment a fairly large portion of the world, lets say 99% would be fucked.
It is not that I don't care for people who believe in doing good for a reward and who have such strong faith. Infact I admire those that do. In order to have faith in something with such a passion is only a thing I can dream of.

But back to my original point.

Is it really wrong to think for ones self. Lets say my parents were athiest and I decided to attend church one day. would that really be so bad. It is not that I am doing it to be different that them it is because I want to believe for my self and if some day I am confermed then so be it.


Maybe this is a good time to finally start doing some college research.
As I slide the latch back on my computer and open the screen I realise that I have yet to think about whay kind of school would interest me. A small liberal arts college might be fun. I could see the plays they put on each year and be able to meet people that are enthused about the performing arts as I some times am. Or I could go to a larger college, one that I could end up going unnoticed, invisible. It would give me time to focus on my studies, work through my boyfriend troubles, and have a job. But whats the college experience without a few parties now and then.
*click, click*
Open internet explorer. I should really look into getting a mac. I hope my baby doesn't crash again. Maybe I'll get a snack.
Okay good, its loaded.
"So Puppy, where should I start?"
My dogs name is Bridget, she's about 9 years old but responds better when you call her 'puppy'.
*click, click, click...www.google.com*
there could have been a sigh or two in there
lets see what my options are.
I quickly type in 'colleges in minneosta' hoping something useful will appear and I get lucky, though not in the sense that the 'get lucky' phrase is normally used. The fourth cite seems to be what I am looking for.
Nevermind, mostly community colleges. There is not anything wrong with them, they are just not for me or my parents for that matter.
Back to google. What if I add 'private' in front of the previous search. Yup that seems to work. again the fourth cite appears promising, lets try again.
A Hit. St Kate's, St Thomas, St Ben's. I might like those.
I give a little inside laugh, who names a college Bethany Lutheran College. Its basicall like saying. I'm and ugly fat minister, come and see what its all about. For a while I feel bad for thinking this, I know a nice girl with that name but come on, it means 'house of figs'. There not such an atractive fruit.
After that diversion of thought I type in St Ben's in Google.
The school looks nice. Though all girls, thats what St John's is for. I like boys, there a lot easier to talk to, especially if it is necessary to rant to someone, and you dont want them to remember everything.
Tuition is not so horrible, that is what jobs are for, to pay for things. And a pool, thats a plus. oh, and I could work in the theater department. I am so almost sold. What do we have for majors?
(to be cont.)

27 July 2008


There are no more worries to life than that of death
why cant a person forget
musn't a child fully accept life before they can understand the concept of death
and why does it have to be so bad
it is just natural and every plant and animal does it
no one cries for them
why are we so special
who is even to say that death exists
what if we all live on
in an alternate universe
not a heaven but another universe
wouldnt that be wonderful