15 August 2008

Life would be easier if I were a robot

No sleep, no food, no bathroom breaks. oh and not to mention I would be able to take in every little bit of information learned at the drop of the hat.

And yes I know there is the whole thing with morals and personality. To that I say, fuck robots i wanna laugh.

So basically I don't win either way. But the idea of a robot with a personality and needing nothing and just being would be fucking wonderful.

But I can't help but wonder what would happen to all the farmers and ranchers out there; would they change the cows too?

09 August 2008

Love's Philosophy by Percy Bysshe Shelley

The fountains mingle with the river
And the rivers with the Ocean,
The winds of Heaven mix for ever
With a sweet Emotion;
Nothing in the world is single;
All things by a law divine
In one spirit meet and mingle.
Why not I with thine? -

See the mountains kiss high Heaven
And the waves clasp one another;
No sister-flower would be forgiven
If it disdained its brother;
And the sunlight clasps the earth
And the moonbeams kiss the sea:
What is all this sweet work worth
If thou kiss not me?
If only I knew what was needed
to fill the empty gaps

to cause a rupture
an explosion
an implosion of warmth

Flow in to each crevace
each dent and crack

to find the miniscule places
where something lacks

Oh to find this something
and pour it inside
fill up with heat
to live one more night

02 August 2008


I see life as simple. Yes a rough patch or two...or a million may happen but when thinking about life there is only one thing that a person truly achieves or would want to achieve. Reward. However large or small a reward is still what it is. A sense of accomplishment and success. A reward means that a person can move one step farther along in their journey of life. That they are on their way through. Which leads me into the hugest reward the average human being thinks about, life after death. I have to admitt that I am highly skeptical of this theory for many reasons but that is a topic for another day.

But in essence for each good deed a person does they are looking for what they concider to be the ultimate reward. Though it may have its perks seeing as you would get to exist for ever in what would seem to be a paradise, I do not see it that way. I see a long long time spend thinking of what could possibly be done with endless time. Really, I mean who needs it. That is why there is a theory of my own for the greatest reward.

To me this reward could never be greater than having that eternal life. It is a smile. Not just any smile though, a smile that means something, that tells you that you have truly brightened up that persons day, a smile that says 'I am glad I know/have known/met You!'. Because with this smile I know that the reason I live was to do that. Be there for that one day and make that person truly happy. To me that is much more than recieving the selfish reward of bordom.