29 July 2008

When did being agnostic become a mistake?

"We won't make the same mistake twice."
This is what my mother stated to my brother, the unnerving thing is that she was looking right at me. So yes I decided that I am not a Catholic is that such a hard thing to wrap your brain around. I live my own life and I see things, some good and some bad, and it is all to much a sugar coated shit whole for there to be this thing called eternal life.
In reality if there was a savior and he or she came this moment a fairly large portion of the world, lets say 99% would be fucked.
It is not that I don't care for people who believe in doing good for a reward and who have such strong faith. Infact I admire those that do. In order to have faith in something with such a passion is only a thing I can dream of.

But back to my original point.

Is it really wrong to think for ones self. Lets say my parents were athiest and I decided to attend church one day. would that really be so bad. It is not that I am doing it to be different that them it is because I want to believe for my self and if some day I am confermed then so be it.

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